Udderly Beautiful Bods!

Udderly Beautiful Beach Bods!

Friday, July 18, 2014

For this competition weight matters, but in general what is really important is how you feel in general and how you feel about the way you look.  I had to put on a swimsuit yesterday for Cowabunga Bay and it revealed that my stomach mass is more under control, but my legs really look like pasty white, giggly tapioca pudding (if only all my freckles would get together and make a tan, at least the "pasty white" part would be gone).  When dieting on a long-term basis, or just beginning to eat healthy for life and exercise (which is my goal that I hope this contest will still help with), don't beat yourself up over your weight or overly worry about the pounds.  Quality of life is what I'm searching for.  I'd like to be fit and feel some of that energy I hear people speaking of, and if the side-effect of these lifestyle changes makes my body ROCK (all the better!)

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